An old man who lives most of his life alone in Chicago spent his time writing and illustrating a 15000 page book. The book tells the story of the 7 Vivian girls who live in the land of Dargannian and are at war with the Glandelinians. Their homeworld is full of dark haired horned girls with giant creatures as their guardians. The 7 Vivian girls are brave, fearless and fight on horseback against the Glandelinian soldiers who are dressed in confederate uniform with leaderboard hats.
It's the type of story school children would write but this incorporates religion and a strong theme of violence against children, with the adults making children their slaves and not letting them have a "normal sleep of the night's season, the right to an education, that we may have an equality of opportunity for developing all that are in us of mind and heart."
Henry Darger just wanted to share his love. Never having a partner or wife he petitioned the church to adopt a child which was rightfully declined as he was extremely poor and had mental health issues. He once asked his landlords how much it cost them to keep their little dog but the 5 dollars a month was too much for him.
Lonely, naive and shy he never shared his work with anyone and it was only when he died that his landlords discovered the hundreds and hundreds of pages of writing and paintings in his room.
There are now many fans of his work and pieces are frequently exhibited and fetch up to $80,000 which is heartbreaking considering if only he had that money when he was alive he could of had his little dog.
YES - if only he had the internet when he was alive.