Permanent Vacation

Sex a ma phones are not cool - ever. When were they? and why do Jim Jarmusch and David Lynch think they are? Watching someone playing the saxaphone makes me fell ill and slightly angry.

Permanant Vacation is Jim Jarmusch's first film and it really feels like it. It has all his favourite things jazz, people with black hair, people sitting around drinking black coffee, woman who don't really say anything and John Lurie but the main guy is a dick so it's pretty hard to get through.

It's about a guy who likes dressing sharp, dancing to jazz and talking about himself. He doesn't have a job or a home and hangs out with random people he meets (they're all bums or crazy or both) He's in some kind of relationship but can take it or leave it.

Ive seen all of Jim's films (apart from his latest Limits of Control) and he's got skills especially Ghost Dog, that is some advanced shit, but Permanent Vacation is missing the care factor. The main character's persona seems forced and all his interactions with other people are one sided - his side.

NO - too cool for school   

The Case Against Saxaphones

exhibit 1.

exhibit 2.

and in closing