Troll Hunter

This could go either way, a mockumentary (yawn) with held hand night vision camera (snore) but it's Norwegian (I like Insomnia and black metal) has trolls in it (well better than zombies I guess?)

It's actually a lot of fun and unique enough to transcend the recent glut of this style of movie.

Three students are making a film about illegal bear poaching in Norway, they start following a mysterious man who they believe is responsible and discover that he is hunting something - but it's definitely not bears.

Hans, the craggy trollhunter is awesome, treating his insane job with distain and bureaucratic boredom while taking an absolute beating by a Ringlefinch troll, he's hilarious. His grotty caravan and wholesome jersey make him a great anti hero.

The nocturnal cgi trolls are passable and all completely different in design. It helps the film along knowing there's going to be new trolls to discover -Tosserlad, Ringlefinch, Mountain Kings and the enormous Jotnar which is the reason Norway has so many powerlines in beautiful isolated places (they're really electric fences to keep these giants contained)

YES - I wish they played Aha over the credits instead of shitty metal band Kvelertak