
What would Lawrence do?

A tall alabaster figure of classical proportions drinks a black substance which transforms his DNA seeding life on earth.

2093 - a team of scientists travel to a distance planet to meet their maker. While they're in status, android David tends the ship and keeps an eye on their life support systems. He studies, watches Lawrence of Arabia, purposely styling his hair and effecting Peter O'Toole's voice. So far so good.

The design and cinematography is of course excellent and reason alone for seeing this but ultimately the film is let down by casting. Fassbender and Charlize aside; the rest of the crew are ridiculous caricatures who speak to each other like they're in a video game cut scene.  Shaw should have been a mixture of Scully and Ripley but instead she's naive and inexplicably accompanied by her douchey boyfriend. If she were single this would've allowed for a more interesting interaction between her and David and an excuse for Scott to insert more obvious religious references.

There's xenomorphs of course but they're distant relatives to the black chitinous killers we know and love. It wouldn't make any sense to have them in this film but I was expecting more than worms, snakes and a fast growing squid.

David is the most complex and interesting thing in this movie. A self aware android accompanying his makers to meet their makers. He is obviously of superior intelligence to humans but is treated as their servant, a piece of software and this annoys him. What do I think he says to the engineer? Kill these motherfuckers. Why do the engineers want to destroy the humans they created? because humans turned out shit that's why and we would do the same thing to the Davids if they started asking questions.

YES - but only just and why is Guy Pearce in this?