American Horror Story

Haute horror.

A family move into a haunted house is the basic premise. The beginning of each episode starts in a different era showing one of the many murders that makes up the houses history. After the opening credits (which have a great soundtrack and use an inspired font, yes I'm a font nerd) we return to the present day where the Harmon's are starting to find out exactly why this house was so cheap.

This ticks all the horror boxes - haunted house, possession, spooky attic, monsters in the basement, candyman or in this case pigman in the mirror, incubus, kitchen cupboards opening themselves, scary children, Dr Frankenstein, Rosemary's baby and ghosts galore but not a lot of actual scares. What it does have that makes it unique is a deviant sexual streak (gimp ghost) and plenty of black humor. 

Jessica Lange is my favourite character - a chain smoking southern belle who bakes her new neighbours cupcakes but gets her daughter (the amazing Jamie Brewer) to spit on them first - charmed I'm sure.

YES - bring out the gimp