The Avengers

No one told me life was going to be this way

After introducting Ironman, Hulk, Thor and Captain America in standalone films, Marvel is giving us what we want - superfriends.

Joss Whedon's second feature (after the terribly named but still great Serenity) shows off his seemingly unique talent of taking a large cast of characters, giving them equal importance and managing to make the audience actually give a shit - well maybe not for Hawkeye but then again I think bow and arrows are lame even if you can fire usb sticks out of them - actually that's pretty lame in itself.

Modern comics as well as their film adaptations have become a lot more adult in the last decade and while Joss does include some darker moments - like Bruce admitting he attempted suicide, this film is refreshing in its lack of cussing/sex, it's look which has a vibrant grittiness and it's sense of fun and wit.

Joss obviously has a lot of respect for these characters - just like the audience. The young woman next to me was literally punching the air and clapping whenever the Hulk was onscreen such was her love for the incredible one and you can't help but smile at Hulks encounter with Loki or be exhilarated when he catches a pilot ejecting from a plane.

YES - smarts and sharps without too much dark