Afghan Star

Afghan Star is the most attractive and rapturous show in Afghanistan (this is from the shows website - Afghan Star)

This documentary follows the finals of the forth session of Afghan Star, an American Idol style tv show. Four finalists, 2 men and 2 woman sing their hearts out and hope they are voted in by viewers to become the next Afghan Star.

It's hard to fathom the differences each generation of Afghanistan must experience from the liberal 80s to an Islamic State controlled by the Taliban where music and dancing is banned. The actual show is terrible, much like all the other versions of it but there's so much more at stake here - just to see men and woman performing together from all different backgrounds and the audience being able to text their vote and it actually counts, this shitty show becomes a catalyst for change.

Entertaining, sad but ultimately hopeful so much can change in such a short time and the population of Afghanistan is youth heavy so the future can only be one filled with music.

YES - I love the awesome lyrics of the songs "the sting of your eyebrow is like a scorpion sting sting sting !"