Phantasm 2

3 years and 11 million dollars later

Mike is now a man, a good looking moody 80s style man, who has just got out of a psychiatric hospital after learning to keep stories of dwarfs, balls and a tall man to himself.

Reggie is bringing Mike home from the hospital when his house blows up as the approach!  they hit the road using Mike's visions to take them to the Tall Man who is back to his old grave robbing, dwarf making tricks.

Don made so much money out of no budget Phantasm that someone pretty much gave him the cash to make the same film again on condition that he replace one of the leads with a well known actor (James LeGros? who?) It's still a lot of fun and retains the enthusiasm of the first film. The Tall Man is such a great creation with his weird white bob haircut and the strange look he does with one eye open and the other squinty while bellowing a threatening "Boy!"

NO - just because you thought it looks awesome doesn't mean you can use the same footage of a house you blew up in the space of 5 minutes for 2 different reasons.