Whip It

Straight to DVD.

How come? It's not that bad and the 2 main characters of Bliss and Pash are the most realistic 17 year old best friends I've ever seen on screen.

Excellent Ellen Page is Bliss who discovers Roller Derby but has to keep it secret from her beauty pageant pushing mother.

I was really getting into the 90’s setting when Bliss' father looks up her team on the internet and I thought hold on a minute if this is 1995 then how come they have a computer and internet in their house? so I don’t actually know when this is set but I enjoyed it more thinking it was the 90s.

Directed by Drew Barrymore it reminds me of Karate Kid that type of training, fighting the villain and falling for someone along the way film. Oh and don't forget the special move which in this film is the "whip it"

NO - I’m sure that real life roller derby players will be horrified. I wouldn't say get it out however if you end up watching it on tv for some reason you'll watch it through to the end.