
This is by the same people who did Superbad and has a similar tone but much quieter (and better)

Nerdy but nice James has just graduated and was going to New York but his dad has been demoted and can't afford to send him. James has no work experience whatsoever so ends up working at Adventureland funpark. James spends his days giving out pandas and nights hanging out with people from the park - Joel, Em and Lisa P and trying to avoid his childhood friend Frigo.

I really like this - the characters are all great especially Martin Starr's (Bill from freaks and geeks) Joel who smokes a pipe "A disgusting affectation I know" and realises that although he's smart his options are somewhat limited. Kristin Stewarts Emily is cool but fragile and makes bad choices. Jesse Eisenberg's James is naive and constantly asking for reassurance. This characters fell like real people, drink and take drugs like real people and don't always do the right thing.

I've worked shit jobs and some supposedly good ones but you know what - it really is the people you work with who make the difference. I'd rather work stocking supermarket shelves with decent people than in a better paying job with arseholes.

YES - lovely.