Book of Blood

He's stripping off now you say? ok hit record and i'll be right over...

While teaching a paranormal class Mary notices a new student, Simon. She offers him a lift home one evening but he wont get in the car and later the tire blows out and she narrowly avoids an accident.

Simon leads Mary to believe he has psychic abilities and she asks him stay in a house where a violent murder took place. Strange things start happening during the night - well not really that strange, the usual really - lots of scribbling on the walls and whispering voices. Simon may or may not be faking these occurrences.

Mary and her tech assistant try to get to the bottom of things while Simon keeps stripping off in a number of fairly gratuitous cock shots.

This is alright but too long. It would of made a great hour episode of Masters of Horror better than the Clive Barker story they went with about a guy who turns into paper at the end - the horror! he's made of paper and it's blowing away in the wind!

Also the end annoys me - sure this is fantasy but if you set up some fantasy logic in your fantasy film then you should stick to it. When Simon appears in the ghost realm he has all his skin disregarding the way that he dies. The other ghosts including the girl who died in the house appear with the injuries that killed them. I guess they wouldn't have gotten that Patrick Swayze effect if Simon was waving goodbye with a raw red hand and skull face.

NO - if only it was more Candyman and less 13 Ghosts.  


This movie is based on a story from the Books of Blood about a man who is written on by the dead. There are 6 Books of Blood by Clive Barker and there are some perfect stories in there - including my favourite that could never be filmed - In the Hills, the Cities. A couple road tripping in Yugoslavia come across a rival township with a fuckin crazee tradition of making giant men to fight each other. I hope I'm in the ghost realm before they try and film that one.