Eden Log

Then the roaring starts.

I have a huge problem with roaring monsters in movies. Sharks don't roar, mummies wouldn't roar, crocodiles and snakes don't roar and people definatley do not roar the only thing that roars is a fuckin lion.

In this film there are some mutant people who could have been genuinely creepy if they weren't all played by over the top performance art actors like that fuckin guy who is in all of Del Toros films with his excruciating flowery hand motions. It would of been a lot more sinister if they just kept to shadows and if they made a creepy sound like a whistling or a deer sound or no fuckin sound at all is better than roaring arrargh.

So a guy wakes up in the basement of some building and can't remember anything. He makes his way to the top encountering roaring monsters and guys with trees in their stomachs along the way. There are mysterious logos on the wall for Eden Log and tree roots coming in through the ceiling. Infact it all seems to have something to do with a huge tree.

The viewer gradually finds out what's going on as the protagonist does which keeps things interesting but this is low budget stuff and there's some film school quick music video cuts which only add cheese to the proceedings. Also an unnecessary rape scene which adds nothing to the plot and why the fuck would she follow him around aferwards? 

NO - The end is actually satisfying but too many cheesy aspects and very slow pace.