Penn and Teller Magic and Mystery Tour

These days they're doing their show Bullshit but before that they made this short series/doco about magic in China, India and Egypt which is the best television they've done.

Penn (the giant one with permed hair) and Teller (the silent one with a nice smile) travel first to China where they check out the water bowl trick the same one in The Prestige and strangest and kind of sadest of all they go to a Magic Amusement Park where acrobatics and magic is performed to them only - there is no other audience but I hope this is because it's the middle of Winter and usually it's closed or something.

In India they try and find someone who can perform the Indian rope trick for them. The Indian magic is all pretty brutal with lots of cutting of tounges and killing - especially sons but wives get their heads set on fire as well. They assist a street performer in an act but feel guilty later because they think that some of the people who bought the magic rings actually believe the rings will protect them.

In Eqpyt they visit a tomb which has hieroglyphs that apparently shows 2 fiqures with cups which some people think are evidence that the cup and ball trick was performed over 4000 years ago. They meet a pretty useless magician who "swallows" snakes but also meet a cup and ball expert who manages to impress Teller.

Throughout they perform some of their own magic and there's various cuts to people laughing for no reason like in Bullshit which I always find amusing.

YES - I wish Teller was my friend he seems so nice.